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Private Health Insurance Reform

Private Health Insurance Reform & Pilates

From April 1st 2019, the Australian Private Health Insurance (PHI) system will undergo significant reform. ‘Natural Therapies’ (NT) such as Naturopathy, Bowen Therapy, Homeopathy & Yoga will no-longer be covered under the PHI system. This is following a review by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) which evaluated the cost effectiveness & evidence behind NT’s. These changes are to ensure tax payers funds are spent on therapies that are shown to provide clinical efficacy.

As part of these reforms, cover for Pilates has been excluded under the PHI system. As such, all Pilates classes run by your local physiotherapist, osteopath or Pilates instructor are no-longer covered by your PHI. Exercise interventions are a significant tool used in physiotherapy which is backed by significant evidence across many conditions. For this reason the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has negotiated with the Health Department and Insurers to ensure physiotherapists can continue to deliver the highest level of care available. Physiotherapists are highly trained in tailoring exercise interventions for each patient, many of which include Pilates based exercises.

The Summary

  • Pilates is no-onger covered under private health insurance from April 1st 2019

  • Physiotherapists are highly skilled practitioners who a uniquely positioned to deliver evidence based exercise interventions to maximise patient outcomes

  • Physiotherapists may continue to deliver Pilates based exercises in conjunction with other interventions as part of a clinically reasoned exercise program

  • Evidence based exercise programs delivered by physiotherapists will continue to be eligible for rebates under the PHI

More Information

APA PHI Statement

Department Of Health Statement