
Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome explained

Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome explained

A common condition we see at the clinic with people getting back into running or increasing training loads is Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome. This pain is a lateral knee pain caused from tightness through the ITB can cause all sorts of havoc for runners and cause muscle imbalances and joint dysfunctions throughout the body. 

The Brachial Plexus

The Brachial Plexus

Today we're looking at the brachial plexus, which is the bundle of nerves that originate in the neck and travel underneath the collarbone and down the arms. This blog is for those people who suffer from neck pain that travels down their arm together with numbness, tingling and weakness.

Taping for Postural Correction

Taping for Postural Correction

Taping a clients back is a common tool used at the clinic for postural correction to hold the body in the perfect anatomical position and to create awareness of slouching during day to day living. A huge majority of our cases we see of lower and upper back pain is essentially self inflicted through bad habits of poor posture and can easily be improved to prevent any future and long-term injuries.

The Sacroiliac Joint Explained

The Sacroiliac Joint Explained

This blog talks about the sacroiliac joint located at the lowest part of the lower back and the dysfunctions of the joint that cause pain. Includes home care exercises to stretch the joint and the surround muscle tissue, while also strengthening exercises to help improve joint stability.

Fun Run Guide for Beginners

Fun Run Guide for Beginners

Are you looking to participate in one of Melbourne's upcoming fun runs and have no idea where to start or are you simply looking to get back that fitness you once had!? This blog is an in-depth guide to running a 10km fun run in 12 weeks explaining all factors you will need to consider with dietary advice, motivational factors and a general training program. Happy running!